What's On Next?

  • 06 Feb:  Community Cafe Closed
  • 07 Feb: 09.45 A Problem Shared - Shipley Library
  • 07 Feb: 13.00 Watercolour Painting Group - Northcliffe Church, Birklands Room
  • 07 Feb: 13.30 Dance On - Shipley Library

The Kirkgate Centre

We have a variety of spaces to choose from depending on the size of your group or party:

  • Community groups - £18 per hour
  • Private sector - £25 per hour
  • Childrens brithday parties - £25 per hour

Equipment available at an additional charge - TV screens, microphones, flip charts, pens and photocopying/printing

The location is fully accessible, onsite volunteer led cafe, free parking, free WIFI, and hearing loops.

Please call 07960 424067 or email sophie@kirkgatecentre.org.uk for further information. 

Start-up Support Programmes

The start-up support programme aims to nurture new groups and help ideas become real and sustainable by minimising the financial risk and providing support.

  • First 3 sessions FOC, then 3 sessions at half price
  • Marketing support
  • Mentoring support

The programme is subject to availaility and can only be offered to those who have not hired the centre in the past two years.

If you would like an application form or would like to discuss further, please contact nicole@kirkgatecentre.org.uk