What's On Next?

  • 06 Feb:  Community Cafe Closed
  • 07 Feb: 09.45 A Problem Shared - Shipley Library
  • 07 Feb: 13.00 Watercolour Painting Group - Northcliffe Church, Birklands Room
  • 07 Feb: 13.30 Dance On - Shipley Library

Volunteering at the Kirkgate Community Centre

Volunteers are the life-blood of our centre and deliver most of the activities:

  • Many volunteers run and have ownership of their own independent groups, whilst others like to assist with the support of the charity through administration, maintenance, marcomms, recycling, befriending etc
  • Volunteers are fully supported by staff, we listen and are reactive in peoples self development
  • Volunteers ensure that the Centre will always be here and sessions will always be affordable

Current volunteering opportunities include:

  • Fundraising - assist with fundraising opportunities to enable the Centre to continue delivery of services during the renovations.
  • Outreach - communicating and delivery sessions within the community. 
  • Marcomms - helping the Centre with community engagement and social media.

Re-opening volunteering opportunties include:

  • Front of house - meet and greet users, make people feel welcome, assist with enquires and signposting.
  • Techology - assist with the implementation of the IT systems, CRM registstration, whats on TV entrance guide.
  • Events - assist with weekend social events.

Become one of Our Trustees

  • As a charity, the Centre is governed by a group of volunteer trustees.
  • Trustees are local people who oversee the running of the Centre, making sure our work remains focused on our charitable purpose and what matters to our local community.
  • Trustees are crucial in ensuring Shipley has the Centre it deserves.
  • Trustees meet monthly to discuss and make decisions on a whole range of issues, including:
    • Annual budget
    • Future funding 
    • Medium and long term planning
    • The development of our building
    • Staffing
  • Anyone interested in becoming a trustee can request an application form, meet informally with an existing trustee or the Centre Manager, and observe some meetings and see what the role involves. 


To find out more, please call on 07960424067 or email sophie@kirkgatecentre.org.uk